Meditation – The Exploration Phase (Part 2 of 3)

Standing on Rocks in Arkansas

Five minutes.  Five lousy minutes turned into five gloriously, accomplished minutes. This turned into 10 minutes, then 20 minutes and eventually 30 minutes.  That was years of practice.  Four years to be exact.  Years of sitting with that same kitchen timer, determined that I could be in my own skin.  That I could sit still just as well as I could multi-task.

I gave back all those meditation books and resold the one I got from Half-Price Books (probably got twenty-five cents for it).  I decided to follow my own path of figuring out what this mysterious “meditation” was – to find what worked for me and what did not work for me.  I decided if something didn’t work then I would move on to find something that did.

During this time of exploration, I continued with my morning meditations.  At first I would cram in whatever time I could before I ran out the door to work.  This would vary my time from five minutes to 20 minutes, depending on how much I had left over for this.  I eventually made it the first thing I did.  I set the timer for 30 minutes and still managed to get everything done.  In fact in a more orderly, calm fashion than before.  Imagine that – slowing down somehow seemed to increase time itself.

Soon after my first attempt to meditate for “five minutes” (which actually was just 30 seconds), I started going to the Ruah Center for a day of silence and eventually overnights of silence.  I remember driving up the long driveway and thinking, “Oh my God.  How has this beautiful place been here all this time in Houston?”  I was also terrified about the prospect of so much silence.  No phone, no computer, no talking…not even while eating.  I met with my spiritual director, Sister Adeline, and felt a sense of home right away.

She listened to me in a way that few people are capable of listening.  She listened to all my horror stories and never flinched.  She guided me to work in the art room, to go for walks, to go swimming, to sit and meditate, and to read parts of the Bible.  Even though  I was no longer Catholic/Christian and considered myself an eclectic of all the shared truths in religions and mainly a spiritual person. I read what she guided me to and found truths in there.

During that first silent retreat, I cried through everything I did.  I cried walking up the stairs, working on an art project, walking on the beautiful trails, even while eating and taking a bath.  I didn’t think it was humanly possible to cry this much.  I used to hold back my tears. Thinking that if I ever let one loose, I would never stop, and somehow be the first person to die from crying.

The silence.  The pure silence is where I began a deeper spiritual practice. I read somewhere that praying is talking to God and meditating is listening to God.  I wanted that.  I wanted to hear what my mind had been too cluttered to hear. I wanted that and knew this would be what saved me from me.

Along with the silent retreats I went to the Chung Tai Zen Center in Alief and took their beginner meditation class, then the intermediate, and eventually part of the advanced.  I loved the silence the Buddhist monks created in this run down; not so beautiful part of Alief.  I loved going there and learning a new way to be in the silence.  Sitting meditations and then a walking meditation.  The bonus for me was hearing the monks share their dharma of Tibetan Buddhism, and the other bonus was the delicious vegetarian meal they shared with us afterward.

I started attending places of worship that included meditations in their services.  I also went to various workshops that included meditations  and studied various people of spirituality:  John Bradshaw, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Mary Mannin Morrisey, Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz, Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson, and Michael Beckwith (to name a few).  I devoured books on the metaphysical and learned about how malleable the mind is.

I knew it was up to me to change every thought in my head and every belief that did not bring me joy.  As one of my heroes, Mahatma Gandhi said:  “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  How could I be an instrument of peace when my thoughts were destructive?  How could I be an example of love when there was war inside of me?  How could I be compassionate when I saved the harshest judgments for myself?

The silence.  The quiet.  These moments with source were going to change my life in ways I could not ever believe possible.  I would become that change I had been seeking.


This next piece describes this part of my journey – the exploration phase. My next blog will be part 3 of this meditation series – Meditation is My Medication.

Can You Quiet Your Soul Before You Soothe It?

“Racing thoughts of what I need to do next,

How sitting here is a pure waste of time,

I could have done anything, but just sit here.

Once those thoughts quieted down,

The truth would creep up and the silence would woo me into a peace I never knew,

There would grow bigger spaces between each thought,

As if the silence itself was lulling me into the peace of my true self.

Small messages would come through,

I had time to see what was really running through my head;

Time to assess how I was feeling and  soothe that part of me that needed the most kindness.

Silence.  Nothing to do but sit here.

How beautiful is that,

How blessed I am to sit here and feel the love – around me, within me – that simply is me.”



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